Total Herb Solutions Private Limited �is a CRO formed by�Mr. Ashutosh Biyani�based in the financial capital of India, Mumbai heading the Indian operations,�Mr. Prabhodh Parekh , Director of US operations and Mr. Vipul Fadia�based in New Jersey, United States of America heading the North American operations with the aim to assist evolving and rapidly growing herbal market..

We are a approved technical consultant for International Aloe Council

What is a CRO?
CRO, Contract research organisations are to support students as well as corporates working in herbal and nutraceutical sector by providing research services on contract basis.

THS being a herbal/nuraceutical research laboratory which provides services from formulation development to product development and analysis to clinical trials along with regulatory services for domestic as well as international markets.

To deliver the scientific reasoning and evidence to the natural and herbal industry to rediscover the interest of people towards natural remedies.

We see our company as the full service CRO with a proffesional capability to provide all round solutions which includes Sourcing of raw material (crude drugs, extracts, phytoconstituents),Botanical /Herbal/Nutraceuticals/Functional food Analysis, Development of herbal / Ayurvedic / Nutraceuticals products, Establishing analytical parameters (Standardization), Stability profile, Clinical Research, Technical information, and Personnel training for herbal analysis with maximum agility and adaptibility all without losing touch with our entrepreneurial passion.